Making the Right Choice for Your Baby


The next nine months alone will be filled with new feelings, emotions and many new challenges that you both as couple will face. From the first wave of morning sickness to realising you can no longer see your feet of your perfectly formed baby bump, it will all feel so new and exciting and at times scary too.

Can you believe that between 350 million and 360 million babies are born each day across the globe, thats roughly 250 – 260 babies are born every minute. In the UK alone over 600,000 babies are born each year, a number of 1.3 per minute. Its hard to believe as you sit at work for 8 hours a day, there have been 624 babies introduced into the world.

The average age of mothers in the UK has seen an increase within the least 10 years, as many women choose to have children later. In 2014 the average age was 30 years old; this is expected to grow to an average age of 34+ in the next five years.

The growing trend for women delaying motherhood until their late thirties is partly due to the increasing equality in the social, professional, financial and corporate environment that we live in. Interestingly the average age of fatherhood has also been on the increase.

What ever the age of new parents, the excitement around buying baby clothing, equipment and decorating a new nursery in preparation for their new bundle is all part of the new baby excitement. From baby changing mats, changing bags, bibs and bottles the list is pretty long and extensive.

When it comes to buying the right colour for the sex of the baby, clothes or accessories like baby changing bags can be difficult to buy if parents do not choose to find out the sex of their baby. With technology making everything feel so responsive and with everyone seemingly knowing everyone else’s business, finding out the sex of your baby is one of the very few surprises left.

Should you find out the sex of your baby? Surprisingly the real reason for an ultra sounds is not to find out the sex of your baby. The first scan at 20 weeks will be to check the measurements of your baby, as well as full check of the babies organs and its general health and growth rate. The sex of the baby is not always easy to find out from the first ultra sound.

Gender disappointment seems to be a recognised condition for parents who have found our the sex of their baby, only to feel disappointed it was not as they were expecting. Parents may have bought blue clothes, changing bags, bibs and painted the nursery blue, only to find out close to the labour date they are actually expecting a girl. If you do not find out the surprise and joy of your little bundle will mean you do not care what the sex of your baby is. When it comes to buying your baby all the equipment it needs, the obvious list of things we need are easy to buy in our everyday lives and the choice we now have is vast. The decision in buying a new changing bag or pram alone can take time.

For example you can buy over 200 different colours, designs and sizes of changing bags alone, from designer to high street. You can now match your changing bags with the pram, the babies clothes and even your outfit if you desire and this is just one of your many choices when buying new things for your new special bundle.No matter what your age, becoming a new parent is an exciting and amazingly scary time; but ultimately its a time for you to embrace the new experience, look forward to finding out the sex of your baby and buying all the lovely new things you and your baby will need.


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